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P4 Grant Legislation Receives Unanimous Approval from Navajo Nation Council’s Health, Education and Human Services Committee

November 13, 2023

P4 Grant Legislation Receives Unanimous Approval from Navajo Nation Council’s Health, Education and Human Services Committee

WINDOW ROCK, Ariz. – The Navajo Nation Council’s Health, Education and Human Services Committee convened at the Navajoland Nursing Home Conference Room on Nov. 13 to review legislation 0243-23. The committee unanimously voted, 5 – 0, in favor of the legislation. The legislation, sponsored by Delegate Andy Nez, supports the Sage Memorial Hospital’s (SMH) acceptance of the Produce Prescription Pilot Program (P4) Grant awarded by the US Department of Health and Human Services Indian Health Services.

SMH, the grant beneficiary, will receive $500,000 annually for five years (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2028) through the P4 grant from Indian Health Services (IHS). A signed tribal resolution from the governing body is required by IHS to access funds for program expenses.

The program aims to: Set up Produce Prescription Programs in Tribal communities through partnerships with stakeholders within the healthcare and food sector. It will expand access to fruits, vegetables, and healthy traditional foods for American Indian individuals by offering eligible individuals a fruit and vegetable voucher redeemable at local markets.

As part of this initiative, SMH will recruit 200 community members from the communities of Wide Ruins, Klagetoh, Kinlichee, and Greasewood. These communities were selected based on their scarce access to fresh produce, as they predominantly reside in food deserts.

Phyllencia Begay, SMH’s Grant Writer, was present to address questions from the delegates. She assured the committee that she would regularly report on the progress and ensure the grant is used responsibly for the benefit of the community.

The committee stressed integrating mental health programs and Navajo cultural education to achieve health equity for the Navajo people. The legislation now moves on to the Budget and Finance committee.


Christian Bigwater
Director of Public Relations/Marketing
Office – (928) 755-4532
Cell – (928) 221-4205

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