GANADO, AZ – Navajo Health Foundation – Sage Memorial Hospital Board of Directors is pleased to announce the winner of the Community logo contest, Aaron Long form Klagetoh, Arizona.
Sage Memorial Hospital Board of Directors announced their efforts to rebrand the organization prior to the design completion of a new hospital facility, medical offices and staff housing. The construction of the hospital is scheduled to commence following a groundbreaking event this August. Through the rebranding process, the Board of Directors developed and adopted a new Mission Statement, Vision and Core Values for the organization, and the newly created logo.
The organization’s public relations team, Trapper Moore and Rosemary Flores, guided the Board of Directors and members of its Administration through a two-day work session to create a new mission statement, vision and core values.
The new mission statement of the Navajo Health Foundation – Sage Memorial Hospital is to provide quality healthcare for the Diné people with respect, unity, beauty, harmony in honor of K’é and the sacredness of life.
The new vision of the Navajo Health Foundation- Sage Memorial Hospital is to enhance the Diné philosophy of life while delivering innovative healthcare.

After developing the organization’s new mission, vision and core values statement, the Board of Directors voiced its desire to create a logo contest where members of the Navajo Nation were invited to submit a logo design based on colors chosen by the Board of Directors unifying symbolism incorporating the hospitals new mission, vision and core values. The logo contest resulted in over 70 entries from artists located throughout the Navajo Nation. The Board of Directors held another two-day workshop guided by the organization’s Public Relations firm where they worked through the difficult process of narrowing the over 70 entries down to the top three. All entries were presented to the Board of Directors over the two-day work session where each logo was displayed anonymously along with each artists description of how the mission statement, vision and core values were incorporated into their artwork.
“Sage has been a part of the community for over 100 years and is honored to continue our tradition of maintaining quality healthcare focusing on our patient’s physical, social and cultural/spiritual well-being. As a cornerstone of the community, it was fitting that through the process of re-branding and designing a new logo, that we included the community. We are overwhelmed by the incredible talent and thought that was portrayed by all of the artists. It was an extremely difficult decision,” stated Delores Noble, Chairwoman of the Navajo Health Foundation – Sage Memorial Hospital Board of Directors.
The grand prize winner of the contest is Mr. Aaron Long from Klagetoh, Arizona. “It was a privilege exercising my creativity for this contest. I designed the logo with K’e in mind, and the innovative healthcare that Sage Memorial stands for. I would like to thank them for the motivation and opportunity to participate,” stated Mr. Long.

Mr. Long’s logo design description incorporates the backdrop with four (4) steps representing the four (4) sacred directions: balance, unity, respect and sacredness. The backdrop of the Dine’ rug design represents the inclusion of native culture. The center twinkle represents innovation and the location of the hospital in Ganado, Arizona. The “S” path represents the river that runs North of the hospital.
The 2nd place winner of the logo design is Erick Yazzie from Greasewood, Arizona and 3rd place is awarded to Orin Jay Yazzie also from Greasewood, Arizona.
The Board of Directors held a special meeting in the Sage campus Executive Board Room on July 9, 2021 to honor the winners and present the artists with 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prizes.
For more information about Navajo Health Foundation – Sage Memorial Hospital please visit www.sagememorial.com.