October 2023 Schedule: Sage Memorial Hospital’s Mobile Health Unit

September 24, 2023

GANADO, Ariz. – Sage Memorial Hospital’s mobile health unit is dedicated to providing a range of outpatient services to our rural communities surrounding our service area.

Please find attached the Mobile Health Unit October 2023 Schedule (for distribution) Services provided by the Sage Memorial Hospital Mobile Health Unit (available on varying days and locations) include:


  • Comprehensive DM Care
  • Medication Refills
  • Adult Immunizations


  • Chronic Health Management
  • School/Employment Physicals
  • Express STI Testing and Treatment
  • Referrals

Please note that Mobile Health Unit’s operation days and times are subject to changes. Services are for individuals 12 yrs. and older. Physical form MUST be completed and signed. Parent/Guardian of a minor MUST be present during exam. For updates and changes, we recommend checking our Facebook or Instagram pages @sagememorial. Any questions please visit sagememorial.com/mobilehealth, or call (928) 755-4835 or (928) 550-8564.


Christian Bigwater
Director of Public Relations/Marketing

Office – (928) 755-4532
Cell – (928) 221-4205

PSA: Sage Memorial Hospital Greasewood Clinic in Greasewood, AZ temporary closure


GANADO, Ariz. – The Sage Memorial Hospital Greasewood Clinic located in Greasewood, AZ will be CLOSED on the following dates/times:
  • Thursday, September 21, 2023. (Greasewood, AZ location)
We will re-open again the following week. We apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused. We encourage the public to follow us @sagememorial to stay up-to-date on future announcements.


Sage Memorial Hospital
MEDIA CONTACT: Christian Bigwater
Director of Public Relations/Marketing
Office – (928) 755-4532

2023 Mass Flu Vaccine Event at Sage Memorial Hospital

GANADO, Ariz. – Sage Memorial Hospital (SMH) announces a Mass Flu Vaccine Event which is slated to take place in October of 2023. Open to all communities, the Mass Flu Event is available for anyone aged 6 months and older.

“This is a great opportunity for everyone to get protected against the flu virus,” says Dr. Kenneth Anaeme, Chief Medical Officer at SMH. “We want our community to stay healthy! We encourage everyone to take advantage of this event by registering online”.

The event will be held at the Sage Memorial Hospital Wellness Center (Gym) located on US 191 & SR 264 in Ganado, Arizona. The event schedule is divided into Student Days on October 19 and 20, 8am-4pm, and the Community Day on October 21, 7am-7pm.

Parents of minors must accompany their children and all participants must provide valid supporting documents. Registration forms are available online at www.sagememorial.com/flu. For futher in-formation please call (928) 755-4712.



Sage Memorial Hospital
MEDIA CONTACT: Christian Bigwater
Director of Public Relations/Marketing
Office – (928) 755-4532

PSA: Labor Day – Sage Memorial Hospital Outpatient Holiday Hours


GANADO, Ariz. – The Sage Memorial Hospital Out-Patient Clinic located at Poncel Hall in Ganado, AZ will be open from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. on Monday, September 4, 2023 (Labor Day). We encourage the public to follow us @sagememorial to stay up-to-date on future announcements.



Sage Memorial Hospital
MEDIA CONTACT: Christian Bigwater
Director of Public Relations/Marketing
Office – (928) 755-4532

Sage Memorial Hospital Completes Community Health Needs Assessment and Implementation Plan

Ganado, Ariz. — Navajo Health Foundation – Sage Memorial Hospital (SMH) is pleased to announce the completion of its Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) and Implementation Plan. This comprehensive plan was completed to identify and address the specific health needs of our community. The assessment included direct input from community members, demographic research, and data analysis to identify the most pressing health care needs.

The CHNA was conducted between March 1, 2022 through May 1, 2022 and fulfills federal regulations requiring non-profit hospitals to conduct a community health needs assessment every three years.

The final report is now available to the public. A downloadable copy can be accessed on our website at https://sagememorial.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/2023-Community-Health-Needs-Assessment-and-Implementation-Plan-FINAL-Board-approved-18-AUG-2023.pdf


Christian Bigwater, Director of Public Relations/Marketing
Office – (928) 755-4532
Cell – (928) 221-4205

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