Sage Memorial Hospital COVID-19 Vaccination Events.

GANADO, AZ – Sage Memorial Hospital is pleased to announce that it received 205 COVID-19 vaccines from Indian Health Services to be made available to the Ganado service area community members. The Sage Memorial pharmacy was able to make available 273 vaccines that were administered on January 13th during a mass vaccination event at the Sage Wellness Center.

Sage Memorial Hospital is currently following the prioritization tiers of the Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices as well as the CDC and federal Indian Health Services. All vaccines administered during the mass vaccination event on January 13, 2021 were provided to elderly members of the community who are 65 years of age and older. The Sage Memorial Hospital Outpatient Clinic staff has also been contacting elderly patients 65 years of age and older, as well as essential and frontline workers informing them of availability and instructions for receiving a vaccine.

Christi El-Meligi, CEO of Sage Memorial Hospital stated, “The Hospital will continue to follow the prioritization guidelines as the community begins to receive the vaccine. Sage will be receiving an additional shipment of 200 vaccinations over the weekend and will hold another mass vaccination event on Tuesday, January 19th. The vaccines will be given to the categories listed on the phased priority flyer received from the Navajo Nation Department of Health and will be administered on a first come basis. We are hopeful that we will continue to receive additional vaccines in the coming weeks and months.  Sage Memorial urges community members to continue to protect themselves and others by wearing masks and performing proper hand hygiene even after receiving the vaccination. We are relieved that we have the opportunity to administer the vaccine, especially to the frontline workers, as well as our most vulnerable members of the community.”

In order to receive the benefits of the vaccine, individuals must receive a second vaccination.  Community members will receive information during their first visit regarding when they will need to return for the second vaccination. It is imperative that community members return for the second vaccination, since receiving the first vaccine will not protect them from contracting the Covid-19 virus.

Prior to having the vaccine available, Sage Memorial Hospital has and continues to provide the community with testing for the Covid-19 virus. The community can receive a test at Sage Memorial Hospital for the virus Monday through Friday 8:00AM to 12:00PM and 1:00PM to 5:00PM, excluding holidays.

Updates on vaccine availability and events will continue to be provided on the Sage Memorial Facebook page and also on KTNN as additional vaccines become available.  Sage Memorial Hospitalcontinues to encourage the community to wear your masks, wash your hands, socially distance and stay home.

If you have questions regarding the COVID-19 vaccine, please call the Sage Memorial Hospital Outpatient Clinic at (928)755-4639.

Sage Memorial Hospital Drive-Thru COVID-19 Testing Event.

GANADO, AZ –Sage Memorial Hospital hosted a Drive-Thru COVID-19 Testing event on July 31st at Ganado High School. The event was free to the community and focused on education and prevention of
the COVID-19 health pandemic on the Navajo Nation. More than 200 community members participated in the event.


Throughout the COVID-19 health pandemic on Navajo Nation, Sage Memorial Hospital has continued to serve the community and collaborated with the Navajo Nation to curb and decrease the spread of COVID-19.


Christopher West, Facility Superintendent /Incident Commander  for Sage Memorial Hospital said, “It was an honor to work with the local Chapters in our service area and Ganado High School to be able to provide this important testing event to the community. It is our hope that we can continue to work together to provide accessibility to COVID-19 testing and public health education on minimizing the risk and spread of the virus.”


Sage Memorial Hospital will host an additional Drive-Thru COVID-19 Testing event on August 14 at Ganado High School from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.


For more information regarding the August 14 Drive-Thru COVID-19 Testing Event please call Sage Memorial Hospital at (928) 755-4819 or visit

Navajo Health Foundation – Sage Memorial Hospital Announces Development of New Hospital Campus.

GANADO, AZ – The Navajo Health Foundation – Sage Memorial Hospital Board of Directors is proud to
announce plans for the development of a new hospital campus, which will officially break ground in September 2020 and planned for completion in December 2021.


The development of the new facility will include a two-story hospital building, two-story medical office building totaling 120,000 sq. ft, and will also include new on-site staff housing situated on an 18-acre site with additional parking.


“For many years, Sage Memorial Hospital has discussed and explored the opportunity to expand services and build a new hospital campus. Together, Executive Management and the Board of Directors are moving towards making this vision a reality for Sage Memorial Hospital. We are proud to announce this milestone, which when completed, will allow for the expansion of services while continuing to improve the quality of healthcare for the Navajo people,” said Netrisha Dalgai, Chief Operating Officer for Sage Memorial Hospital.


The new hospital development will be a significant economic impact for the Ganado area, creating new employment opportunities throughout construction. Additionally, the hospital is expected to create approximately 100 new jobs for Navajo people.


The General Contractor for the project is Layton Construction, based in Phoenix, AZ and Salt Lake City, UT. Layton has an extensive background and track record in successfully developing hospitals and healthcare clinics in rural areas.


On July 16 and 17, Sage Memorial Hospital and Layton Construction hosted a Sub-Contractor and Labor Fair on the hospital campus. The event provided an opportunity for Sage Memorial Hospital to present the plans for development and opportunities for employment. Layton Construction highlighted the timeline for development, process for employment and process for Navajo-owned businesses to participate in the project bidding. Approximately, 200 tribal members participated in the event.


“It is an exciting moment to share with the community, the board of directors long awaited vision and plans come to fruition,” added Dalgai.


Sage Memorial Hospital will continue to provide the public with additional information and updates throughout the development of the project.


For questions regarding employment opportunities please contact Layton Construction at (801) 568-9090. For additional information regarding Sage Memorial visit

Sage Memorial Hospital Hosts Community Drive-Thru COVID-19 Testing

Sage Memorial Hospital will host two (2) Drive-Thru COVID-19 Test events at the Ganado High School in Burnside, AZ on the following dates:

Friday, July 31, 2020 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Friday, August 14, 2020 from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.


Sage Memorial Hospital reminds the community that no appointment is needed, face masks are required to be worn, all attendees must stay in their vehicles. For more information, please contact Sage Memorial Hospital at (928) 755-4819.



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