Diabetes Quick Facts:
- 20.8 million Americans with DM (90% with Type 2).
- 6.2 million unaware of DM
- 41 million Americans with Pre-diabetes.
- Diabetes affects 1 in every 16 people
- In 2012, 29.1 million Americans, or 9.3% of the population, had diabetes.
- In 2010 the figures were 25.8 million and 8.3%.
- Of the 29.1 million, 21.0 million were diagnosed, and 8.1 million were undiagnosed.
- In 2010 the figures were 18.8 million and 7.0 million.
A couple of tips to help against Diabetes:
- Eating healthy
- Making heart-healthy choices, choose low-fat
- Setting nutritional goals
- Create meal plans
- Exercise
- Check blood glucose before & after exercise
- Exercise after meals