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Sage Memorial Hospital Completes Community Health Needs Assessment and Implementation Plan

Ganado, Ariz. — Navajo Health Foundation – Sage Memorial Hospital (SMH) is pleased to announce the completion of its Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) and Implementation Plan. This comprehensive plan was completed to identify and address the specific health needs of our community. The assessment included direct input from community members, demographic research, and data analysis to identify the most pressing health care needs.

The CHNA was conducted between March 1, 2022 through May 1, 2022 and fulfills federal regulations requiring non-profit hospitals to conduct a community health needs assessment every three years.

The final report is now available to the public. A downloadable copy can be accessed on our website at https://sagememorial.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/2023-Community-Health-Needs-Assessment-and-Implementation-Plan-FINAL-Board-approved-18-AUG-2023.pdf


Christian Bigwater, Director of Public Relations/Marketing
Office – (928) 755-4532
Cell – (928) 221-4205

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